Instantly generate unique business buzzword bingo cards! Choose the number of cards you need and hit generate. Your corporate buzzword bingo cards will appear below, ready for you to print out for you and your colleagues to take to the next pointless time-suck meeting.
Need some fresh new cutting edge corporate jargon and business buzz-phrases? Check out our business buzzword generator now.
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Buzzword Bingo, also known as bullshit bingo, is a bingo-style game where participants prepare bingo cards with a variety of awful corporate jargon and overused business buzzwords and tick them off when they are uttered during an event, such as a meeting or speech. The goal of the game is to tick off a predetermined number of words in a row and then signal bingo to other players.
Buzzword bingo is generally played in situations where audience members feel that the speaker is relying too heavily on business buzzwords or corporate jargon rather than providing relevant details or clarity. Business meetings led by guest speakers or notable company personalities from higher up the pay scale are often viewed as a good opportunity for buzzword bingo, as the language used by these speakers often includes predictable references to arcane or 'cutting edge' business concepts, which are perfect for use in the creation of business buzzword bingo cards.
Buzzword bingo implies that the speaker is sure to rely on trendy jargon or industry lingo to mask a lack of knowledge or new ideas. The game is sometimes lighthearted, with bingo cards that contain words that are not pretentious, just inevitable. The use of the term buzzword bingo has expanded into slang to describe any memo, document, or presentation that relies on tiresome business jargon or cliches.
The growth of business schools and the popularity of often-awful self-help manuals for business success helped spread many of the terms we use today. We create synergy, unpack a complex issue, and drill down to the core details to achieve consumer-centric synergy.
Every profession has its own buzzwords. In the internet era, content is king, disruption is the goal, engagement is currency and you have to think outside the box. Technology and internet professionals have practically created their own private language, with a growing vocabulary of often meaningless buzzwords that provide little explanation or value.
Corporate culture places a premium on often needless new ideas and change for the sake of staying busy. When people are out of new ideas, new buzzwords can be the next best thing.
Though some buzzwords, such as "influencer" and "new normal", are recent coinages, many old words have found new purposes in a business or financial context. The frequent and imprecise use of formerly straightforward terms such as "leverage", "holistic", and "engagement", for example, turned them into pointless, meaningless business jargon buzzwords.
For example, buzzwords are practically mandatory in resumes, since they can convey real information in a form brief enough to be noticed, or to be picked up by the automated keyword search functions now used by many companies to screen applicants.
The most offensive and grating buzzwords re-frame very ordinary run of the mill concepts as new and exciting or attempt to patch over gaping holes in the speaker’s knowledge.